Who Gets Acne and Why? | Kidskin



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Who Gets Acne and Why? - Kidskin

Who Gets Acne and Why?

Waking up to a giant zit on your forehead is no one’s idea of a perfect morning. Acne is, unfortunately, a super common thing, and almost anyone can get it. Understanding who gets acne and why they get it can help you find a kid acne treatment for your lifestyle, acne type, and skincare needs.


What is Acne?

Kid acne is super annoying, but it’s not just a big red blob that appeared on your face to ruin your day. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles get clogged due to overactive oil glands. When oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells get trapped within the oil glands, pores can get inflamed, leading to breakouts.

Acne can manifest itself on your face in many different ways. It may appear as a tiny black dot, a big whitehead, or a patch of bumps and redness. Depending on their skin type, age, and lifestyle habits, people can get different types of acne.


Who Can Get Acne?

Tweens and teens, we totally understand feeling like you’re the only one in the world who has to deal with the struggle of kid acne. However, you’re not alone! Anyone can get acne, even babies.

You’ve probably noticed that your acne has picked up as you’ve gotten older. It’s super common for kids, tweens, and teens. While some kids might not get acne at all, others might struggle with it into adulthood if their genetics and lifestyle are contributing factors.


Why Do Kids, Tweens, and Teens Get Acne So Often?

So, why are tweens and teens the lucky group labeled most likely to get acne? The adolescent years are a time when your skin and body are constantly changing, so it’s more sensitive and susceptible to breakouts.

The most common things that affect young skin are:

  • hormones and puberty
  • diet
  • skincare habits


How Puberty Causes Kid Acne

Growing up isn’t always rainbows and sunshine; sometimes, it’s a little more tricky than a voice drop or extra-sweaty gym class. It often presents itself in the form of raging hormones and mood swings, like being a little too sassy with Mom over something that usually wouldn’t be a big deal. One of the leading causes of kid acne is an increase in hormones, which happens during puberty.

The hormones brought on by puberty tend to stimulate the oil glands within the skin. The stimulation causes them to get bigger. Once they’ve expanded, the skin will start to produce more sebum. Finally, sebum will move out of the oil glands and onto the skin’s surface through the pores and appear as kid acne in the form of bumps, blackheads, or redness.


Why Your Diet Could Be Hurting Your Skin

Did you know that your greasy pizza and cake batter ice cream can do more than just leave you with a stomach ache? Your eating habits affect every part of you from the inside out. Foods that are high in sugar and oil can trigger kid acne. For a clear and glowing complexion, try to save things like white bread, soda, cheese, and sugary cereals for special occasions.

Poor hydration can be just as damaging to your skin as eating a bag of potato chips. Your kid acne treatment won’t be able to work if your skin and body are dehydrated. Failing to drink enough water can leave your skin feeling dull and fragile, the perfect conditions for acne to grow. 


How Skincare Habits Affect the Skin

Once you work with your parents to figure out your skincare needs, it’s crucial that you start a skincare routine as soon as possible. Failing to wash your face and give it proper care will allow dirt and oil to collect on your skin. In addition, your skin is just like any other part of your body; you need to take action with a kid acne treatment.

Perhaps you already have a fantastic kid acne treatment, but you just don’t feel like putting it on every night. When you’re inconsistent with your routine, you’re not giving the products enough time to fully impact the face. Even with the most high-quality kid acne treatments, you won’t see results until you start doing your routine daily.


How to Treat Kid Acne

Once you know what’s triggering your kid acne, it’s time to fight it at the source. There are lots of simple ways you can alter your lifestyle to help with kid acne treatment.

Some things you can do to treat acne are:

  • cleanse your skin
  • use spot a treatment
  • stay hydrated


Cleanser for Kid Acne Treatment

The first step to any good skincare routine is having a solid cleanser. Cleanser removes any built-up dirt or oil that your skin accumulates throughout the day or the night before. Cleansing will give your skin a clean and smooth base that will aid the rest of your kid acne treatments.

Kids with acne and oily skin will likely see a significant transformation with the Kidskin T-blast foaming cleanser. The active ingredient, tea tree oil, calms redness, oil, and inflammation.

On the other hand, kids with dry or sensitive skin can still treat their acne with a gentle skin cleanser. When paired with a moisturizer for dry skin and acne, this non-abrasive cleanser is the perfect recipe for clear skin.


Spot Treatment for Kid Acne

Harsh chemicals and drying ingredients might pop into your mind when you think of spot treatments. However, kids can treat their acne without sacrificing the glow and radiance of their complexion. The Kidskin spot treatment with salicylic acid will help unclog pores and clear up problem areas in no time.

Even though our spot treatment isn’t as harsh as some other brands, you should still go in with a moisturizer for dry skin and acne after each use. The primary purpose of a kid acne treatment is to draw out excess oil and dirt from the blemish, so it could potentially dry out some areas of the skin.


Hydration for Clear Skin

As previously mentioned, staying hydrated is a vital part of keeping the skin clear. Therefore, you should be hydrating from the inside out. First, make sure your water bottle is always full, and you’re drinking about nine cups a day.

If you’re drinking lots of water, but your skin still feels parched, you need a moisturizer for dry skin and acne. Moisturizing your face will help the skin produce the natural, healthy oils it needs to fight kid acne. Even kids with oily skin need to moisturize; when you don’t, the skin ends up producing more oil to make up for what you’re not providing.

The Kidskin calming formula is the best moisturizer for dry skin and acne. The white tea extract within this moisturizer is a good source of antioxidants that help keep the skin looking plump and fresh. Plus, the non-greasy formula will give you a lasting glow all day.

If you have sensitive skin, you can still combat your kid acne. The Kidskin gentle moisturizer is an awesome moisturizer for dry skin and acne and kids with skin sensitivity. Your child can even add it to their routine to fight skin conditions like rosacea.

We hope this guide to the leading causes of acne has helped you understand your skin a bit more. Now that you can identify your face’s specific struggles, you’re already on track to having clear skin. Remember always to be patient with your skin and give your routine time to work its magic!

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