Tips for Proper Skin Care for Teenage Girls | Kidskin



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Best Skin Care Routine Tips for Teenage Girls - Kidskin

Best Skin Care Routine Tips for Teenage Girls

Being a teen isn’t easy. You’re juggling so many roles, responsibilities, and activities, and your skin may or may not be one of them. If you’re not practicing a daily skin care routine for your delicate teen skin yet, it’s time to get on it!

We’ve put together a guide to help you discover your skin type, select the right products to address your concerns, and start showing off your skin with confidence. We’ve even included our top tips for creating a skin care routine that will support your needs and concerns through those harsh weather changes when nothing else seems to work!

From finding the best moisturizer for teen skin to preventing additional breakouts from your active lifestyle, we’ve got you covered! Here’s what you’ll learn.

Table of Contents

Know Your Skin Type

One of the most important first steps to developing an effective skin care routine for your young teen skin is knowing your skin type and specific skin concerns. Familiarizing yourself with the type of skin you have will help you select the right products, including the most beneficial cleanser and best moisturizer for teen skin. Keep in mind, your skin type can fluctuate. Let’s take a quick look at the five skin types and help you determine where you fit best:

  1. Normal skin
  2. Dry skin
  3. Oily skin
  4. Combination skin
  5. Sensitive skin


1. Normal Skin Type

If your teen skin tends to look and feel evenly balanced and rarely causes concern, count your blessings! Normal skin typically deals with fewer blemishes, dry patches, and sensitivities. You may have normal skin if you seldom notice skin discoloration and don't find yourself troubled with a dewy forehead, nose, and chin. However, it is still vital to establish a proper skin care routine, even if you feel you don’t need one. Selecting a cleanser formulated for teen skin and pairing it with the best moisturizer for teen skin will help support your balanced skin.


2. Dry Skin Type

If your teen skin does not produce enough sebum, you'll tend to feel tight, itchy, and irritated. Your skin may look dull and flakey, while regular moisturizers leave you needing more hydration. You may fall into the dry category if you often have redness without blemishes, feeling tight, or struggle with rough patches.


3. Oily Skin Type

Oily teen skin typically battles a glossy, all-day shine, particularly in the t-zone area. If you find yourself blotting or washing your face only to find it shiny again, your skin is producing an excess of sebum. Additional characteristics of an oily skin type include:

  • frequent breakouts
  • noticeably enlarged pores
  • regular acne inflammation
  • acne breakouts on your neck, chest, and/or back
  • blemishes that may be painful, irritate the surrounding skin, and cause infections

 Woman putting on sunscreen.

4. Combination Skin Type

Combination skin is a bit tricky. This particular skin type poses its own set of challenges for teen skin, as it’s typical to be oily in some areas yet dry in others. Combination skin can leave you guessing how to properly treat it since it can also act up or change as often as the seasons.


5. Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you must get to know your areas of concern and possible triggers to help you develop a skin care routine that will address your needs. Some teen skin sensitivities can be caused by underlying skin disorders, including rosacea and eczema. Allergies or environmental factors may cause other issues. The good news is, there are specially formulated products made to support and soothe your sensitive teen skin, so you no longer have to struggle through your sensitivities.


The Importance of Developing a Skin Care Routine

Though some seasons can be harder on your teen skin than others, it’s important to understand the need for a skin care routine foundation that you can sustain all year long. Proper skin care, including the daily use of a gentle face wash, the best moisturizer for teen skin, and a broad-spectrum sunscreen, is essential to your skin's overall health. By following a consistent skin care routine that suits your skin type, you help support clear, bright, and youthful skin, even during the harshest months of the year. A skin care routine dedicated to your specific teen skin type can help you:

  • protect your skin from harsh elements
  • maintain a healthy pH balance
  • address your skin concerns, including acne, dry patches, or sensitivities
  • remove oils, dirt, and cosmetics and keep pores clear
  • boost your self-confidence


Best Skin Care Tips for Warm Weather

Warm weather introduces a whole new set of skin issues for some. If you’re oily, you’re likely nodding your head. Implementing a sensible skin care routine for your teen skin during hotter temperatures can help you avoid additional breakouts and an excessively shiny face.


Change Your Cleansing Skin Care Routine

It may be necessary to reevaluate your facial cleanser in a warmer climate. The heat can leave your skin battling sweat, oils, and an increase in clogged pores. To help cut down on summer skin concerns, we recommend switching to a lightweight, oil-controlling cleanser formulated explicitly for teen skin. Our T-Blast Foaming Cleanser with Tea Tree Oil can reduce oil and bacterial spread without drying out your skin. The foamy formula will leave you feeling cleansed and refreshed.


Switch to a Moisturizer for Warmer Weather Needs

The hot months are typically filled with hours in the sun, swimming, and exploring. You need the best moisturizer for teen skin that will meet your needs during warm weather, including: 

  • addressing an oily t-zone
  • calming acne-prone skin
  • lightweight to avoid a dewy look or sticky feel
  • hydrating dry areas without feeling heavy


Switch to Lightweight Makeup Formulas

If you wear makeup, summer is the time to switch to lightweight formulas. Lighter liquid foundations, loose powders, and BB creams will allow your skin to breathe under sweltering conditions. Sheer formulas can cut down on the glossy look and help prevent clogged pores. Don't forget to cleanse at the end of the day to remove makeup, dirt, oils, and sweat from the day.


Cleanse Your Skin Twice a Day

A healthy skin care routine for any teen skin includes adopting a morning and nighttime cleansing schedule. Cleansing twice a day is vital during those warm months when you will likely see an increase in sweat, touch your face more often, and experience more than normal levels of oil in your t-zone. This is especially helpful if you wear makeup. To help keep your teen skin fresh, unclogged, and bacteria-free, cleansing regularly is a must. For optimal results, follow your cleansing with the best moisturizer for teen skin during warmer weather. 


Stay Hydrated

The sun can zap you of moisture and energy, so staying hydrated is critical to your health. It’s even suggested that teenagers drink between two and three quarts of water a day. We suggest drinking plenty of water and healthy fluids while adding hydrating foods to your summer diet. Some of our favorite high water content foods and drinks that also promote healthy skin include:

  • watermelon
  • peaches
  • cucumbers
  • celery
  • strawberries
  • coconut water
  • skim milk

Best Skin Care Tips for Cold Weather

Few of us are immune to how much fun the winter season can be. It brings tons of excitement, from holidays and presents to beautiful snow and warm cups of hot chocolate. You'll spend a ton of time with your friends and family and take part in eating the most delicious food and sweet treats. Plus, you also get time off from school - what could be better?

While the season is full of joy, the winter weather often wreaks havoc on your teen skin, Not to mention the damage overindulging in sweets and keeping an unpredictable sleep schedule can cause. The freezing temperatures and blustery winds can leave your teen skin feeling dry, flaky, and, worst of all, can cause it to crack and bleed. If you aren't proactive about your skin care routine and using the best moisturizer for teen skin, you'll struggle to rehydrate your dry skin throughout the winter season. Not to worry! We’ve got you covered with our best practices and product recommendations for a practical winter skin care routine for your teen skin.

Woman wearing a face mask reading Cosmo magazine.

Be Super Gentle on your Skin

The cold weather will be hard enough on your skin; don't add insult to injury by using a face wash with harsh ingredients! A gentle face cleanser will keep your delicate teen skin hydrated and won't strip away the essential oil it naturally produces. Winter weather can exacerbate dryness, even for those who don't usually deal with dry skin. To keep your young teen skin from completely drying out, be sure to cleanse your face twice a day, following with the best moisturizer for teen skin during the cold season. Sticking to this easy-to-follow skin care routine will help your teen skin stay:

  • fresh
  • balanced
  • hydrated
  • healthy and happy

To combat your skin's winter blues, try implementing Kidskin Gentle Skin Cleanser for Kids into your skin care routine. This face wash is packed with powerful antioxidants and peptides to tackle bacteria and inflammation for all skin types. Add this cleanser to warm water using gentle, circular motions on your face and neck. You’ll be squeaky clean and feel the difference when your skin is bathed with maximum hydration. Your dry skin won't stand a chance against this face wash, which targets the healing of sensitive, irritated teen skin.


Keep Heat at Bay

Whether you've been outside in the cold for sports practice or sledding with your friends, a hot bath may sound super appealing to warm your entire body up. Before you turn the tap to scalding, remember this important tip for an effective winter skin care routine. The intense heat of a bath or a shower breaks down your skin's natural lipid barrier, which leads to a loss of moisture. While you're heating your chilled-to-the-bone body, you may come out of the shower with skin even more cracked and dry than before.

Instead, try taking a lukewarm bath or shower. If your skin is super dry and flaky despite your best attempts, add a little bit of oatmeal to your bath to soothe and rehydrate your cracked skin. We can sense the groans at missing out on a luxurious piping hot bubble bath, but trust us! Your delicate teen skin will thank you in the long run.


Add Moisture to the Air

We all like to huddle in front of space heaters or blast the heat in our bedrooms when it gets super chilly outside. However, moisture quickly disappears from the air when the heat is running, especially during the cold months when it’s working overtime. To help keep your teen skin hydrated, try hooking up a small humidifier in your bedroom; you'll save your skin from drying out without sacrificing the warmth of your bedroom. Humidifiers are a great addition to a skin care routine that many people overlook. They add tremendous benefits, including:

  • controlling the moisture in your environment
  • restoring natural lipids that have been stripped from constant hot and cold exposure cycles
  • soothing and help address skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema
  • building your skin’s natural moisture barrier to prevent:
    • peeling
    • flaking
    • cracking
    • bacteria buildup
    • toxin buildup
    • overproduction of oil 


Moisturize Frequently

Using a hydrating moisturizer is a crucial step in any skin care routine, regardless of the season. Ensuring you are using the best moisturizer for teen skin becomes extra essential in the winter, as cold weather can deplete skin's hydration very quickly.


Selecting the Best Moisturizer for Teen Skin by Skin Type

Much like choosing the correct face wash for your skin type is vital, you'll also want to be mindful of buying the appropriate moisturizer. Adding the best moisturizer for teen skin by type will ensure your specific needs are addressed by your skin care routine.


The Best Moisturizer for Dry Teen Skin

For those with naturally dry skin or who are usually oily with acne yet find yourself battling dry areas in the cold weather, you'll want to stick to a non-greasy, non-comedogenic lotion, like Kidskin's Calming Moisturizer for Kids. It’s the best moisturizer for teen skin during this dry season. A combination of super-powerful ingredients, including white tea extract, helps boost immune function and protects your delicate teen skin from further damage from the harsh winter conditions.


The Best Moisturizer for Sensitive Teen Skin

If your skin is on the sensitive side, try including our Gentle Skin Moisturizer for Kids into your winter skin care routine. This product is the best moisturizer for teen skin that needs extra support targeting irritated or compromised skin conditions. Be sure to apply extra moisturizer to any part of your body routinely exposed to the cold winter air for added hydration and healing!

Young girls wearing face masks, laughing

Top 5 Skin Care Routine Tips for Active Girls

If you’re an active teen involved in band, athletics, or other extracurriculars that can cause extra sweat and oils, your teen skin may require a bit more TLC. Activities like sports and outdoor band practices can be demanding. Long hours of practice in the sun or hot gym could lead to pore-clogging sweat, dirt, and oils. Add the physical activity to your ever-changing hormones, stress from school, and sleepless nights, and you’ve got a ton of challenges for your young teen skin to overcome. If this sounds like your hectic lifestyle, try implementing some of our skin care routine tips for active teens:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize twice a day.
  2. Keep your hands clean.
  3. Hydrate!
  4. Shower as soon as you can after physical activity.
  5. Don't Forget your Sunscreen!

1. Cleanse and Moisturize Twice a Day

While we highly recommend a day and night skin care routine for all teen skin, this is particularly crucial for your active lifestyle. Your extracurriculars create excess sweat and oils that can clog your pores, creating additional acne concerns. Keeping your skin cleansed and hydrated adequately with the best moisturizer for teen skin will help cut down on bacteria and additional breakouts.

2. Keep Your Hands Clean

Think about how many times a day you touch your face. We bet there are more instances than you even realize. From leaning your chin in your hand during class to brushing hair from your face, it happens more often than you know. Now think back to your last volleyball practice or track meet. How many times did you wipe sweat from your forehead or cheeks? Did you cup your hands to your mouth to cheer on a teammate? Keeping your hands clean is imperative to cut down on the impurities clogging your pores.

3. Hydrate!

We can’t stress the need for hydration enough! Proper hydration is essential for your overall wellbeing and provides incredible skin benefits as well. Making hydration a priority in your skin care routine is just as important as using the best moisturizer for teen skin. Ensuring your body has enough water will help: 

  • cleanse impurities
  • fight infection
  • prevent dry patches
  • smoothen skin texture
  • brighten skin tone

4. Shower As Soon As Possible

After giving it your all, it’s best to shower off the hard work and sweat as soon as possible to keep your skin protected from additional pore-clogging opportunities. Your cleanser will help freshen your skin, restore balance, and remove excess oils and debris. Using our odor-fighting body wash for teen skin will also help fight body acne and leave you feeling refreshed. If showering doesn't happen until you get home, be sure to wash your hands well to avoid spreading dirt and oils on the way home. We also recommend a quick face washing before leaving the locker room to wash off the sweat and dirt of your sport before it settles into your open pores.

5. Don't Forget your Sunscreen!

You may assume you only need to apply sunscreen if you'll be lounging on the beach. We are here to tell you that sunscreen belongs in your winter skin care routine as well! The sun can be as intense in the winter as it is in the summer, even on those dark, cloudy days. The glare of the sun's rays off the snow and ice can further damage your young teen skin. 

Using sunscreen is especially important if your unpredictable teen skin is acne-prone or if you're experiencing a breakout. Believe it or not, the sun's UVA UVB rays can exacerbate acne and start prematurely aging your skin. Adding sunscreen to your skin care routine can help prevent additional redness and scarring from your acne. Add sunscreen to your list of essential elements for your winter skin care routine, even if there is snow on the ground or an obvious glaring sun.

As you would before hitting the beach, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen on your face and hands (and any other body parts that may be exposed) thirty minutes before you go outside. Kidskin's Daily Sunscreen SPF30 is the perfect mineral-based sun protection for your teen skin year-round. Apply it after using your best moisturizer for teen skin. Be sure to reapply if you find yourself out in the elements for an extended period!


Kidskin for Teens, Made by a Teen

Kidskin's products are made with you in mind by someone who knows what you’re going through! With a serious need to address the lack of safe and effective skin products for kids and teens, we set out to develop a line that is:

  • sulfate-free
  • paraben-free
  • gluten-free
  • synthetic fragrance-free

From a zit-blasting acne serum to the best moisturizer for teen skin, we are committed to bringing kids and teens the most natural, practical products that will make skin care a breeze.

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